Service Level Agreement
T-COBRAWEB Service Levels
General Service Availability
Travisoft will use commercially reasonable efforts to make T-COBRAWEB web application available 24×7 with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.9% during any monthly billing cycle (the “Service Commitment”).
Applications provided under this agreement will be the responsibility of Travisoft. Travisoft will own and manage the application, related databases, supporting computer hardware, and necessary operating systems.
“Maintenance” means scheduled unavailability of the T-COBRAWEB and may include software releases.
“Monthly Availability Percentage” is calculated based on the following formula:
A = (T – M – D) / (T – M) x 100%
A = Monthly Availability Percentage
T = Total Monthly Minutes
M = Maintenance Time
D = Downtime
“Monthly Availability Percentage” measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from any T-COBRAWEB SLA Exclusion.
“Unavailable” and “Unavailability” means: no external connectivity or unable to use critical features of the “T-COBRAWeb” product.
Maintenance Notices
Travisoft will make every reasonable effort to communicate the date and time that Travisoft intends to make T-COBRAWEB unavailable via Email and/or direct calls to customers. Our goal is to provide notice at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. The customer understands and agrees that there may be instances where Travisoft needs to interrupt the T-COBRAWEB application without notice in order to protect the integrity of T-COBRAWEB due to security issues or other unforeseen circumstances.
Below are the Maintenance Windows and their definitions:
Emergency Maintenance
These change controls happen immediately with little notification ahead of time. However,
we will notify customers with relevant information soon after or during the change.
Preventative Maintenance
These change controls are when we detect an item in the environment that we need to
take action on, to avoid emergency change controls in the future. These changes will generally occur during off-peak hours, after 7pm – 5am CST or on weekends.
Planned Maintenance
Where possible planned maintenance will be posted at least 5-days prior; however, certain
circumstances may preclude us from doing so, such as an external vendor issuing a change control to Travisoft. These changes will generally occur during off-peak hours, after 7pm – 5am CST or on weekends.
These are change control’s being done to ensure optimal performance and improve product.
Service Severity Definitions
The response goal per incident will vary upon the degrees defined below:
Severity | Resolution Response Goal | Definition |
Critical (Severity 1) | Within 1 business hour | Critical production issue that severely impacts your use of the service. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists. • Service is down or unavailable. • A “critical feature” is not available for more than one instance. Severity 1 issues may require the customer to have dedicated resources available to work on the issue on an ongoing basis with Travisoft. |
Major(Severity 2) | Within 1 business day | Major functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no reasonable workaround exists. • Service is operational but highly degraded performance to the point of major impact on usage. Important features of the Software as a Service offering are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion. |
Minor | (Severity 3) | There is a partial, non-critical loss of use of the service with a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function. Short-term workaround is available, or Travis can assist with the function, but not scalable. |
Cosmetic (Severity 4) | N / A | Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration; bug affecting a small number of users. Acceptable workaround available. |
List of Severity levels and example cause descriptions.
Critical Systems (Severity 1)
No access to the system, i.e., Network outage
All users cannot access TCOBRAWeb, i.e., all users can’t log in.
Security issue resulting in immediate exposure of customer data
Issue affects all users, customers and no reasonable workaround available.
Essential Features (Severity 2)
Generation of General/Election Notices not available
Disbursement processing not available- Disbursement processing is the process of generating data for the purpose of funding benefit plans, Premium Collection and Remittance functions.
Unable to process automated ACH transactions.
Unable to process Credit Card Payments
Security issue that doesn’t put customers or ePHI at immediate risk.
A workaround is available/business is not halted.
Non-Essential Features (Severity 3)
All feature issues not listed as Critical or Essential.
Performance degradation generally affecting one area or only occurs during peak times, but system is functionally working otherwise.
Workaround is available.
Cosmetic Concerns (Severity 4)
Doesn’t cause a functional problem.
Easy workaround
Minor wording concerns
Nice to have
Travisoft SLA Exclusions
The Travisoft Service Commitment does not apply to any of the following:
- That result from any client suspension imposed by Travisoft;
- Caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force majeure event, Internet access, or problems beyond the demarcation point of the Travisoft network;
- That result from any actions or inactions of client or any third party;
- That result from incorrect usage or data entered into the system;
- That result from equipment, software or other technology of a client or any third party not within Travisoft’s direct control
- That result from any Maintenance.
- User’s infrastructure
- Hardware
- Software (unless explicitly supported by Travisoft)
- Network/Internet connection
- User’s connection to Travisoft including but not limited to:
- bandwidth restrictions
- Internet service provider
- Internet failures
- occurrences outside the direct control of Travisoft
If availability is impacted by factors other than those used in our Monthly Uptime Percentage calculation, then we may issue a Service Credit considering such factors at our discretion.
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